


Gift of Ammonite


I lose my way again in a chamber
            of ammonite, fossilized helix, a blink           
                        of an eye in time that dizzies my mind back
            to an ancient seabed, to eons of embedment, heat,
and pressure, to this casting of carbonized spiral

in my palm. Every crenulation, every coil
            an excursion into earth’s memory. Listen:
                        if you dip your ear to the bend
            of the ocean floor, you can hear the earth humming.
If you tilt this whorl of stone to the whorl

of your ear, you can hear evolution’s queer refrains,
            its tweaks and adjustments scaled to the frequency
                        of tadpole shrimp, jellyfish, nautilus, and dreams.
            Listen for ruptures in time signature.
Wait the way you waited for her love to arrive.


Sarah Giragosian

Sarah Giragosian is the author of Queer Fish (Dream Horse Press, 2017), a winner of the American Poetry Journal Book Prize, and The Death Spiral (Black Lawrence Press, 2020). The craft anthology, Marbles on the Floor: How to Assemble a Book of Poems, which is co-edited by Sarah and Virginia Konchan, is forthcoming from The University of Akron Press. Sarah’s writing has appeared in such journals as Orion, Ecotone, Tin House, and Prairie Schooner, among others. She teaches at the University at Albany-SUNY.